When the weather's cooling down and there's more time spent indoors, a bored jar really comes in handy.
My boys love getting to choose what to do with their time; it gives them a sense of independence and control.
What is a bored jar?
The idea of a bored jar is that you have a container (doesn't have to be a jar, can be a small box, tub or bag even) that is filled with suggestions for activities when your child is bored. Our bored jar is just an unassuming bit of recycling with some lolly sticks in, but it's totally invaluable in our house.
Ideas can be creative, silly or practical, for example making a paper aeroplane, telling a joke or doing the washing up, and ideally they should be things that your child can do in and around your home.
So if your children are bored or you run out of activities for a rainy day, you just go to the jar/box/tub and you have a tonne of suggestions at your fingertips.
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In our house, our bored jar is a small recycled jar containing about a dozen lolly sticks. Each of the sticks has a suggestion for an activity written in permanent marker, that I rotate. Some of the activities are written 2 or 3 times, such as read a book or tidy your room (I sneakily add a few that make mum a happy bunny).
So if the boys ever complain of having nothing to do, I tell them they can pick one of the sticks. It might not always be met with enthusiasm, but it definitely stops them complaining of boredom!
Writing on lolly sticks is a super easy way to do things as your kids can pick one random stick at a time and the activity is a surprise. If you don't have lolly sticks, you could always just write on some small pieces of paper and fold them up.
You can have lots of fun coming up with creative and entertaining suggestions and if you have more than one child at home, it helps to make sure the activities are suitable for all ages.
I try to avoid anything that will cost money or that creates a lot of mess. The last thing I want is entertained kids but extra housework, and if you're like me you try to avoid spending a fortune on new toys or day trips to stop the kids driving you nuts.
The last thing you want is entertained kids but extra housework
So for all those mums out there who are sick of hearing those ill fated words "I'm booored" here is the ultimate list for inspiration. I've included over 70 suggestions and the great news is, they're all FREE! If you want to print them out, copy and paste the list below, or head over to my printables page.
Bored jar activity list
Draw a treasure map
Invent a new game
Feed the birds
Go bug hunting
Pair socks
Make an obstacle course
Press a flower
Play a board game
Draw a picture of your family
Water the plants
Draw an animal
Build a really tall tower
Clean the windows
Write a story about yourself
Learn some sign language
Have a fashion parade
Make an monster collage
Tell some jokes
Try birdwatching
Read a book
Put on a talent show
Write a funny poem
Do twenty star jumps
Write someone a letter
Have a disco
Paint your family
Watch a film
Make the beds
Design a new car
Play charades
Craft a robot from recycling
Have a teddy bears picnic
Paint rocks
Make a musical instrument
Blow bubbles
Call a grandparent
Dress up
Try some yoga
Invent a super hero
Design a family crest
Make a paper aeroplane
Play 'i-spy'
Make a junk model
Play hopscotch
Do the washing up
Put on a puppet show
Play hide and seek
Make a time capsule
Tidy your room
Play balloon tennis
Read a magazine
Plan a trip to outer space
Make a den
Draw a mythical creature
Do a puzzle in record time
Make a card for someone
Wash the car
Play the ABC game
Bake a cake
Build a Lego maze
Start a diary
Make a gift for someone
Have a bubble bath
Listen to the radio
Make a comic book
Plan an adventure
Take some pictures
Bake some bread
Find shapes in clouds
Have a hot chocolate
Mow the lawn
Make an alien mask
Sharpen all your pencils
Tell a story
Thumb wrestle
Make a sock puppet
Play a card game
Design a poster
Can you think of anything to add to the list?
For more playful and creative learning ideas visit: