We all know that party classic doughnuts on a string, where you have to gobble them up with your hands tied behind your back. We made a Halloween version, with some marshmallow ghosts and it was SO FUN.
You don't necessarily need to have the American jumbo style of marshmallow, but they are easier to tie on and make for a bigger target!

All you will need for marshmallow ghosts game:
An edible marker pen ours is Rainbow Dust
White thread or wool
Broomstick or broom handle.

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Separate out some white marshmallows and use your edible pen to draw features on. Aim to make at least one marshmallow per player (for obvious hygiene reasons!).
Word of caution- the marshmallows are very squishy so you will need to be gentle with the pen when drawing your ghosty features on. If you press too hard the marshmallow will drag and you might get in a bit of a sticky mess.

YWe did a selection of classic spooky faces, as well as a smiley friendly ghost.

Next you will need to take your marshmallows and use thread to tie them to your broom handle (or "witch's" broomstick).
It's easier to tie the string to the marshmallows whilst sitting at a table and THEN attach the other end to your broom/hanger, rather than do it the other way round.

Now for the fun bit - suspend the broomstick in the air and invite the players to grab a mallow with their mouth! It's pretty tricky but if you go for them with your teeth it can be done.
We ended up in fits of giggles when our mallow ghosts started moving around and dodging our mouths, it was such a fun game for the whole family.

Younger players may cheat a little with their hands, but that's ok, it's all part of the fun!
If you enjoyed our marshmallow ghost game , check out our list of the BEST ideas for celebrating Halloween at home.
